Grievance Process for CSI Staff
CSI Africa Security is operating in an environment where all members / employees of the company, through the very nature of our business, are regularly placed under tremendous pressure. This in turn may create situations where a particular member of staff conducts himself / herself outside the guidelines of the company’s policies and ethos, when said conduct may not necessarily be in direct conflict with the company’s disciplinary procedures or may be deemed a ‘special case’, where the matter may be dealt with outside the frame-work of said disciplinary procedures.
- Should a Member feel aggrieved by the conduct of another, said Member must report the incident to the Line Manager / Supervisor / H.R. Officer (chain of command) within 24 hours of the incident having occurred.
- Should the matter involve one of the Line Managers or individuals mentioned above, the member is authorized to approach a more Senior Member of the company by cellular phone or other means.
- The Line Manager / Supervisor / H.R. Officer must ensure that the initial ‘Grievance Form’ has been completed, signed by the member and handed to a Senior Member of the company within 24hrs of receiving said grievance.
- The administrative, inquiry and investigative process will then start, during which time the aggrieved Member will be interviewed by Management.
- The final step will be to bring both parties together and attempt to ‘reconcile’ them.
- Once this procedure has been exhausted and the aggrieved Member is still dissatisfied, it may be unavoidable to move the process on to the disciplinary level.
- The Snr. Operations Manager / Director / Managing Member or in the absence of the above, the Registered Company Secretary of CSI, will make the decision where this particular step (6 – above) is concerned.
- Always attempt to complete the entire process, no longer than 5 working days after the initial written grievance has been handed to the Line Manager / Supervisor / H.R. Officer.
In extreme circumstances, the process as set out in the HOTLINE section of the company website could be activated.
hotline message
CSI Africa Risk Management supports all anti – corruption initiatives.
For that reason, CSI Africa Risk Management have created this ‘anonymous’ HOTLINE forum:
- To be used by any person who may need a legitimate method of imparting their information on ‘internal’ theft & corruption,
- To ensure that the correct authorities are notified for action,
- To ensure that there is no fear of being identified.
Should YOU need to pass your information to the authorities without fear of being identified, kindly contact The Company Secretary of CSI Africa Security direct, for attention.